Saturday, May 17, 2008

Ora Et Labora!

A few days ago, i was still wandering between doing form 6 or diploma.but, finally i'v made up my mind after consulting those who r experinced. ha! so my choice is St. Joseph! it's an ancient school which dated back to years much2 older than me. however, it is a nice one with all those complete facilities. by the way, did i mention that it's a Christian school?
The school motto "Ora Et Labora" are actually latin words which mean Prayer and Work. students there use english as the primary language, so, i won't expect a smooth start for me as i'm not really good at speaking english. six years in primary school, i was chinese educated, followed by 3 years in SMK jalan arang( where most of students there spoke mandarin, even the bumiputra), then 3 weeks in Kolej DPAH Abdillah and 1.5 years in SM Sains Kuching ( i spoke Bahasa Sarawak as that was the "lingua franca" there). but, i think i'm able to acclimatize soon. haha...
Set aside the language stuffs, i chose physics rather than biology. from the very onset, i'm sure that form six is not easy. so, that's the truth. after 3 days in st joseph, that night, i really wished that form six is just a bad dream. and when i woke up the next morning, there is no such thing as form six. hahaha..........imagination sometimes soothes my anxiety. wish me good luck for the rest of study at st joseph.


Anonymous said...

hey ya!!
talking bout ur f6 life huh?
well, i'm sure u can do it coz u're one of the smartest friend i've ever known...
hereby, i would like to wish u good luck and all the best in your future undertakings...
go go xgen 0307~~!! chaiyok2...

Jess-iE said...

hey chai!!! so sad u leaving f6 soon...no1 2 teach me liao...btw ur english ok ba...where got bad...btw jz continue f6...standard higher = better foundation = easier uni life=) btw ur from smk arang? cool...i hav sum frens from there 2 ehehe...btw u seem so quiet there...mebe u shud stick 2 form 6...we l6a ppl can ensure u dat u;ll hav da best high sch life!!! =)

anyway good luck for your future undertakings and God bless!!! =)keep in touch k?