Sunday, April 20, 2008

SPM is done!

SPM (kind of high school public exam) had finally comes to end in december.....feeling relieve is unavoidable. soon, i pick up a really useful skill----driving. those driving exam is really easy stuff! but, when i got the license and drive on the road myself, it is totally a different world! believe me (for those in Malaysia). several times, i nearly crashed into other cars as i didn't notice the car is turning out fr a junction right in front of my eyes. luckily, maybe it's some sort of survival instinct, i manage to dodge it.
"booo.. that's close. damn, i'm not wrong!" ,that's in my mind at that momment. Maybe that's the way. if we'r in Kuala Lumpur, we'll not be able to get a single chance on the road if we r not RUDE enough. that's all for driving. we're back to SPM. i learnt that may path after SPM is harsh. my family is not wealthy, so my parents are unable to send to to a private college. for that, i sorely dependent to the government education. what make thing worse is that i'm not the aborigine. maybe for that reason, many government higher educational institution declined to accept me. as yet, i think my brightest chance is via the FORM 6. many people told me that Form 6 is not that easy. i believe them. hahahha.... if that's the only chance i've, then i'll do it my best. am i right?
another qs for u, in a 100m running race, if u overtake the second runner, what is ur position?
[the answer is second place. if u answered the first, then, u have to be careful........sth whackecd out! hahah... juz kidding]

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

i believe u can...
n u have to believe in yourself too...
all the best 4 u..:)